
Emergency School Closure

Policy for Emergency School Closure

As we enter the period where the likelihood of extreme adverse weather increases, there is always the possibility that the school may need to close due to severe weather (eg snow or flood) or premises problems (eg loss of heating, loss of power).

It is therefore important that I remind you of the procedure for closing the school. I am not expecting this to happen and very much hope that we do not need to do so.  A copy is also on the school website under the site safety section under Parents Information tab.

In the unlikely event of storm damage or bad weather (snow) forcing the school to close, the following procedure will be taken:

1 Closure before school begins (ie overnight or before 8am): Information will be broadcast on Radio Cornwall, Pirate FM and Heart FM. Our website will be updated as soon as possible.  A text and Class Dojo message will also be sent out to all parents.   In the case that pupils arrive at school, parents/carers will be informed as soon as possible and the pupil looked after until they are safely collected.

2 Closure during the school day: Messages will go out on local radio and on the school website. A text and Class Dojo message will also be sent out to all parents.   Parents will be requested to collect their child as soon as possible.  All pupils will be safely cared for until parent/carer can collect. 

Thank you for your support with this.

The safety and well-being of our students will be the first priority in all decisions on school closure.