
Little Lambs - Year 2

Mrs Lowe


I have so many favourite books and I read at least one new book a week! I love going to the library and discovering a new world each time I start a story. My absolute favourites are the Harry Potter books and I re-read them every year. I have such fond memories of each book coming out and getting excited to see what was going to happen next. I loved the idea of receiving a letter when you turned 11 to find out you had magical powers! My favourite book in the series is Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban because I love the part where Harry and Hermione travel back in time to save Sirius. I wouldn't be able to pick a favourite character because there are so many I love but my favourite professor is Professor McGonagall!

Mrs Slade

Support Staff

There is something so special about getting lost in the pages of a good book. I love reading. My favourite thing to do is to curl up under a blanket with a good book and a hot chocolate. When I was young, I used to love reading 'The Secret Seven' and 'The Famous Five' books by Enid Blyton. Now I'm older I still enjoy reading mystery novels. My favourite grown up book is 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern.

Mr Trigell

Support staff

My favourite children's book is The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson because I love to read it to the children in my class. It is always one of their favourites and they love to listen to the story and look at the illustrations.

Spring 2

Welcome back after half term everyone! The title for Spring 2 is ‘Our Wonderful World’.

In Geography we will be thinking about seasonal patterns and learning about the continents and oceans. By the end of the unit we hope that the children can confidently name the seven continents and five major oceans.

In Science, we will be focusing on plants and seasonal changes. We will be looking at the plants that grow in our local area, the lifecycle of a typical flowering plant and what plants need to grow. We will also be thinking about the four different seasons and the signs and weather in each one.

Read Write Inc. and spelling will continue to be taught daily alongside our English lessons. This half term we will be writing with a purpose to inform, we will be looking at the story of ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’ and will focus on the features of non-fiction texts, we will use this to then write our own non-chronological report about owls.  

In Maths, we will follow the White Rose scheme of work. Our focus in Year 2 will be continuing our multiplication and division unit before moving onto length and height and finally by mass, capacity and temperature. We will be continually reviewing our arithmetic methods throughout the half term through our ‘fluency in five’ sessions.

In Music we will be completing the ‘Recognising different sounds’ Charanga unit. We will focus on keeping a steady beat, creating different rhythms, using the correct notes to play along to a piece of music and also composing using a selection of these notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B♭, B.

In P.E, we will be focusing on throwing and catching, the children will look at rolling and stopping a ball, throwing a ball underarm and overarm, thinking about the best way to catch a ball, performing bounce passes and then they will use all of this learning in team games.

In R.E. we will exploring the question: ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’ We will focus on the what happens during Holy Week and how Christians celebrate the festival of Easter.  

In computing, we will be completing a Purple Mash unit on presenting ideas and we will also focus on online safety.  

In PSHE we will be focusing on how we can keep our bodies healthy. We will think about things that make us feel stressed and things that make us feel relaxed. We will look at the importance of medicines and we will also focus on healthy eating.

We hope you find the resources below easy to access for supporting your child's learning at home and understanding the key objectives being covered. The list below includes:
-Knowledge Organisers
This explains the key information and facts your child needs to know by the end of their topic unit with some visual aids and key vocabulary we will learn too.
-Calculation Policy 
This provides you with information about the key mathematical concepts and how these are taught during this Key Stage.
-Recommended Reads
This document lists texts we would highly recommend your child to access and read during their year group. Pupils are encouraged to select from this range of books.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2