
Hope - Year 6

Miss Mewton

Teacher (mornings)/ Assistant Head

My favourite book is Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. Having been an avid horse rider for most of my life, I was over the moon when I first discovered this book when I was around ten years old. I remember the excitement of turning the first page and feeling like I was being transported back in time to something quite magical. Black Beauty is a touching story told from the view point of a black horse who recounts the tales of his life. From his simple beginnings as a foal in a meadow through the ups and downs and twists and turns, Black Beauty tells his own story which illustrates the importance of kindness towards animals. I have read this book so many times and I can honestly say that the more I read it, the better it gets!

Mrs Provis

Teacher (afternoons)

My absolute favourite book is The Magic Faraway Tree, written by Enid Blyton. I have such fond memories of reading this as a little girl, imagining that I too would climb to the top-most branches of the tree in search of a different and exciting world. The book follows 3 children who discover new worlds; sometimes they would have wonderful adventures, other times they would get themselves into a bit of a pickle! My favourite character has to be the Saucepan Man with his funny hearing and of course Moonface. How amazing it would be to slide down his slippery-slip! Now, my own children are reading this book and I hope it will create some wonderful memories for them too

Mrs Warne

Support Staff

I love to read! My favourite book of all time is The Wind In The Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I remember loving it when it was read to me and I have read it to my own children too.

Summer 1

It has been another busy term for us here at BB and we have learnt so much! Please take some time to read on to find out what exciting things we have planned for this half term!


During Maths this half term, Year 6 will delve into the area and perimeter of different shapes. This will lead onto angles where we will learn all about acute, obtuse, straight and reflex angles and we will build on this knowledge to calculate missing angles.  Later in the half term, we will focus on statistics, learning how to interpret and draw line graphs and pie graphs.  Finally, we will conclude our busy half term with geometry, where we will plot, draw and build shapes using our knowledge of length and angles.  In Year 5, we will also be focusing on area, perimeter and geometry but before then, we will delve further into decimals, adding and subtracting them with the same and different number of decimal places. 


Maths at BB is taught through using a mastery approach, giving the children time to explore the concept being taught using concrete resources before moving onto pictorial and then more abstract concepts.  We will continue to encourage children to practice their number recall through weekly 99 club challenges, TT Rockstars as well as daily Flashbacks to encourage retention.  We will also continue with weekly arithmetic practice – the purpose of this is to expose the children to a range of calculations to help with the retrieval and retention of key number facts.


Our English for this half term takes on a range of mini writing outcomes to include a setting description, a narrative, a balanced argument and some cross-curricular writing.  The purpose of this is to consolidate learning around punctuation, descriptive language, dialogue, structure and purpose.   


In Whole Class Reading, we will continue to focus on and explore a range of texts and genres to practise applying the key reading skills.  Some of the themes will include environment week, Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games.  In addition to this, we will continue to develop our love for reading by sharing our Class Read every day. The children have enjoyed listening to ‘VI Spy: Licence to Chill’ and voted to read the next book in the series for this half term.


Our topic in science this half term is ‘Animals Including Humans.’  In this topic, we will be looking at the stages of human development, how babies grow, the changes that take place during puberty and old age and gestation periods.


Our topic for this half term is geography based and we will be looking at the ‘Amazing Americas!’  During the topic, we will look at the different countries that are in both North and South America and will discuss what makes these countries different by learning more about their biomes.  We will then compare America to our local environment and look at the natural and human features of St. Austell.  We will conclude the topic by looking at the Wonders of the World, thinking about what makes them wonderful!


In RE this half term, our question will be ‘Why do Hindus try to be good?’  In this topic, we will look at what Brahman and atman is and why they are important.  We will also think about how dharma affects the way someone might live their life and finally we will learn about Ghandi and how he set an example about how to live.


In PSHE, we will be focussing on our ‘Relationships’ jigsaw piece.  We will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of our online community and we will look at our rights and responsibilities online and when playing online games.  We will then look at ways to reduce our screen time to ensure we stay healthy and safe.  In year 6, we will also be looking at our own mental health and that of others, as well as sensitively thinking about grief and loss and how we can develop strategies to cope with these feelings.


In French, year 5 will be learning the names of different countries that speak French and will learn how to construct sentences that describe the landscape of these countries.  In year 6, we will be learning the names of different subjects in school and will learn how to construct sentences about which subjects the prefer or dislike.


Our PE for this half term will be striking and fielding.  We will practise how to catch and throw a ball effectively over different distances.  We will also practise an effective technique of striking a bowled ball over a large distance into space.


In computing this half term, the children will look at coding with the end point of creating a playable game using 2Code on Purple Mash. 


Finally, in music this half term, the topic is ‘Freedom to Improvise.’  By the end of the topic, year 5 will have gained experience of composing a short piece of music that includes a home note.  After lots of refining and practise, we will then have a go at performing our compositions.  In year 6, we will start to learn the songs for the end of year production, Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits!

We hope you find the resources below easy to access for supporting your child's learning at home and understanding the key objectives being covered. The list below includes:
-Knowledge Organisers
This explains the key information and facts your child needs to know by the end of their topic unit with some visual aids and key vocabulary we will learn too.
-Calculation Policy 
This provides you with information about the key mathematical concepts and how these are taught during this Key Stage.
-Recommended Reads
This document lists texts we would highly recommend your child to access and read during their year group. Pupils are encouraged to select from this range of books.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1