
Key Stage One

"We have been really impressed with the quality of the home learning and the amazing support from staff. The videos messages are great for keeping the children feeling connected..."

Our Expectations 

For KS1 pupils, our expectation is that pupils should engage in broadly 3 hours of remote learning each day. 


Daily phonics/spelling 

40 minutes 


40 minutes  


40 minutes 


40 minutes 

Daily reading 

20 minutes 


In addition to this, our KS1 pupils receive a weekly RE lesson, a weekly online safety activity and have access to phonics play and Numbots. 

We understand that pupils in Key Stage One learn through a range of practical, first-hand experiences and have therefore planned a breadth of practical, play-based activities based on our Be Bold curriculum objectives. We've had some brilliant engagement of the pupils exploring the UK countries and their capital cities, flags and landmarks.